Thursday, February 28, 2013

Project 9

My PLN Progress
So far my PLN is turning out pretty well. I now have numerous amounts of social networks that all help me learn more efficient ways to teach technology. I was hesitant about being so public with my every move at first, until I realized I am growing up and becoming a professional. Social media is not middle school drama any more. My PLN's have helped me in so many ways. I am very thankful for blogger because I can read teachers blogs and see the techniques they use in their classroom. By picking up their information, I learn what may work best in my classroom. On twitter I can search #education and tons of options come up. Everything I may need to know is simply at my fingertips. By using symbaloo I have all of my information simply one click away. I think it is a great way to stay organized. Through commenting on a teachers blog I received two free books in the mail from him. Mr. Prator enjoyed my comments and sent me books to help me out with my future. That is AWESOME to me! I hope to continue to learn more about PLN's, and find more people to follow. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project 10

Finding the Right Tools
After a lot of research and blog reads I finally found some tools I can use in my classroom. I will be teaching special needs students in elementary.  Some argue that technology is not for special needs children because they are not capable of using it; however there is technology out there made just for them. In a blog iDevices in Special Education Classroom I learned there are many different features on iPads to help the disabled. There are built-in accessibility tools such as zoom and high contrast display make this a tool to support visually impaired. There are apps that are inexpensive and exciting to increase vocabulary, sight words, math facts, reading comprehension, organizational skills, and drawing skills.

On a different blog I learned that children with autism do better with pictures, by having an iPad they will visually learn better.  Also something interesting I discovered was the Model Me Kids, it teaches children social skills on the computer. It also helps them pay attention. Model Me Kids offers an array of engaging videos for school. Children with autism, nonverbal learning disorders, and other special education needs make perfect candidates for the videos, although all children can benefit from social skills reinforcement.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student
In Wendy Drexler's video The Networked Student it shows step by step how a student in the 21st century learns. It explains how a student is in a American Psychology class does not even need a book, how his teacher hardly ever lectures, and how he only attends class three days a week, while the other two days are online.
The teacher encourages them to use valid websites and credibility. The student searches with various web tools. He understands that blogs are mostly opinions, other than facts; he can also choose to comment with his own opinion if he likes. He then makes his own blog that others such as his classmates, or anyone else around the world may comment on to help him out with more information. 
Technology is a HUGE factor today, you simply cannot learn without it in the 21st century. However, a teacher will ALWAYS be needed.  A teacher is the one who teaches the student how build networks and create opportunities. Lets just face it, we all get stuck at some point and need help, the teacher will be the one there to offer guidance. The teacher will teach the child how to  communicate properly and how to respectfully as for help. The teacher will also teach how to differentiate between good information and propaganda. A teacher helps a student organize all of this information, not because he or she has to, but because the teacher cares about the students success in life. After watching this video, I am more eager than ever to start teaching so I can prepare students for success! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Roibersdale High
Justin Cometti, student at Roibersdale High, made a slide show presentation that had step by step instructions on how to make a slide show for his History project. It was very well laid out and explained well too.

Balestrin's Bunch
My student was Andrew M. and he wrote a blog called Two Birthdays. Andrew is a 2nd grader from Canada. He explained how he has two birthdays to go to. One is playing laser tag, and the other is at Gym world. He sounds pretty excited.
Little Voices, Little Scholars
This is a 2nd grade class blog, these children are from Auckland, New Zealand. These students have a class blog and are all very new to blogs. They are instructed to write stories then draw a picture to match their story. This in my opinion is a great way to challenge the child's imagination

Baldwin County High
In Kiley's blog Self Expression, she defines how she expresses herself. She chooses to express herself through decorating, hair color, and music. Kiley also likes quotes and drawing. She likes putting fun colors in her hair. I believe she is really brave to do that, and I am proud of her for not caring what others think about it.  She had some grammar errors and a few punctuation errors, but other than that I enjoyed reading her blog post. 

Blog Post # 5

Krissy Venosdale
On Krissy Venosdale's blog If I Built a School, was great. She explained her dream of building a wonderful school. She explained how creativity would ooze out of the walls, and how there would be a tree house in the library, and how students would have access to pretty much anything they would ever need. Ms. Venosdale dreams big, and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. Reading about her dream school gave me chills, it sounded amazing! If no one ever dreamed before, not much would be accomplished today.

My dream school would be very similar to Krissy Venosdale's. The whole school would be neon, and welcoming. Each class would have desks, rolling chairs, and bean bags. To me not every one learns well in a desk; some learn best when they are most comfortable. My computer lab would have computers of all types for those who are not quite up to date. My lab would also have a group of assistants to help students get "up to date". My dream gym would have weights, bats, balls, nets, and any other equipment one may need for physical education. I would also make my doorways extra wide so those in a wheelchair can properly fit through. The library would have couches, bean bags, and books of all kinds, even electronic ones! I want my library to have a special room that children can go in so a recorder can help sound out words for the children. Most importantly my dream school would never be on a budget, it would always have enough money. When on budgets schools have to cut out important things children may need, and that would not be the case in my school. The children and their needs come first.

Eric Whitacre 
In Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir he shows an amazing use of the internet. I have honestly never seen anything like it. He showed a choir performance from people who have never met or practiced together before! At first I had no clue what was going on, and then I realized these people all did their own individual video and he pieced them all together. The things we can now do with technology is outstanding. I can only imagine what we will be able to do within the next ten years.

Kevin Roberts
In Kevin Roberts video (Dr. Strange edition) Teaching in the 21st Century he makes a lot of valid points. What does it mean to teach in the 21st century? Well to me teachers still have a very important role in the students life. Yes they have all this information at the tip of their fingers, but who will teach them how to properly use it? The answer is us. We will teach them how to determine what is true information, verse false information. To most all the questions asked in the video, I thought to myself "I would definitely Google that". Technology is taking over the classroom, no doubt; however we as teacher will always be needed to teach something. Whether it is on how to verify information, or how to turn on an iPad, teachers will always be needed.

Flipped Classroom
In Katie Gimbar's Why i Flipped My Classroom she explains how her students were all on different levels and she was spending too much time going over material, instead of teaching new material. That is why she flipped her classroom. She had information online where students can pause, rewind, and re-watch any thing they needed to, and as many times as they needed. The students could also post questions online to other students and the teacher. This can be very useful, and I will definitely look into applying this method in my classroom.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


C4T #1

No Rewards
Mike Prater discusses in his blog No Rewards that he does not agree with physical rewards for learning. I however disagree with that because one of my favorite memories was competing against my classmates and wining a prize. Knowing there was a reward pushed me that much harder to learn something. He also points out that we should genuinely care for the students and I could not agree more with that. I feel that I am going to be the teacher that when someone walks up to me and ask how many children I have, I will say however many is that is in my class. I will love, care, and help my children anyway I can; not for the reward of knowing I did a good deed, but because you never know what someone is going through at home. Students need to know they are cared about.

Loving the Unlovable
I had chills by the end of this blog. This blog talked about how Mr. Prater saw his roster and realized that he had all repeat students in his class. That is quite the challenge to know that no one in your classroom does not want to be there. It could make teaching very difficult. Mr. Prater however, took the bull by the horns and ended up making a huge impact on most of his students. Loving a child can make a difference in their actions, and I hope that all teachers realize this sooner than later.

Blog Post #4

Read Along Audio
In the video Langwithches I strongly believe pod casting would be a great tool used in the classroom. It's great that these students are making their own read along books. I believe when a child hears something from a child's tone they understand better at times. If a child had trouble reading he or she could listen to the sound of the word(s) and eventually learn how to sound it out. This is a great process and it makes reading fun. I do not know many children would not enjoy reading in character. Pod casting can make the learning to read experience fun. If I have a student struggle with reading this is definitely something I will use. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog Post #3

Peer Editing
This video Peer Editing takes us through 3 steps to ensure ourselves we are helping in the correct manner. The first step is to make sure you compliment the author. Tell the author what you think he or she did correctly. The second step is to make suggestions. Help the author make improvement or revisions to their work by offering your opinions. The third step is to help make corrections. There is also one important rule to peer editing, which is to stay positive! I learned that there is more to making peer reviews other than looking for mistakes and completing an assignment. The point of peer editing is to HELP another classmate understand the assignment more clearly and offer your opinions on how they could improve it in a friendly manner.

Assistive Technologies
After watching the assigned videos, I have a new understanding for the difficulty that visually and hearing impaired students have functioning in the classroom. It is very important that we as future educators understand the importance of the technologies available to make learning a fun experience for them.When I go out into the educational work force, especially since I am a special education major, I plan on finding a way to have access to every technology available to assist in the education of an impaired child.

Vickie Davis
During the video Harness Your Students, I found myself on the edge of my seat listening for what Vickie Davis had to say next. I wish I had a teacher like her in high school. She explains how the internet can help a student think on their own, and I never would have viewed it like that until watching this video. I am all for students thinking on their own and teachers making the students learn. So many student now days, think that everything should just be handed to them on paper, but not every child is capable of learning that way. Some students are visual learners and technology helps them.

Special Blog Post #1

Wolfram Alpha
Using Wolfram Alpa for the first time was extremely eye opening. Anything I looked up I had a result right in front of me. I believe this website will be useful and effective to students and teachers. It will be useful because unlike google, where you have to scroll and try to look and see if the webpage has the correct credentials to be trust worthy information, Wolfram Alpha has everything related to your search.
I used Wolfram Alpha to search for the population of Alabama and Tennessee. This website not  only showed me the population of each state, but the population growth as well.